Get free user testing videos of your site at Peek

I discovered this service the other day which allows you to get free videos of random people using your website for the first time and explaining their thoughts as they figure out what it’s meant to do:

Considering it’s free there’s no reason not to give it a shot. I guess it’ll be more useful for broad appeal consumer websites rather than B2B, since there’s no way to narrow down the target demographic.

Here are two peeks that I’ve had done for my site:, - I couldn’t quite believe it when I got the videos of genuine people providing honest feedback, definitely worth the effort of filling out two fields! I spotted a bug on one of them and got some interesting feedback about the lack of a top navigation bar.

If you get any peeks made of your own sites, it could be interesting to share them here.


Very interesting - thanks for the link. Two videos of my own sites:

It isn’t directed, so that will limit its use (although that’s probably part of the hook!) but it was interesting to watch!


Haha, I had a laugh at the first one - she obviously had no idea what she was looking at!

Congrats on DataTables BTW - I’ve used it in the past for a small side project, so it’s very cool to bump into it’s author on this forum :smile:

Wow! That’s quite an nice service, thanks for letting us know!

Here’s what I got:

Like the @theallan said, it’s probably meant to hook us up and wanting a targeted review.

(Hey Allan! I’m using your Datatables plugin on my site. Thank you very much for the plugin! :smile: )

Hehe - thanks both for your kind words :-).