Full time on mah app!

Hey there! Ya totally. So it’s been just about 6 months to the day since I went full time. That’s kinda cool.

Growth has continued at pretty much the same rate which has been awesome.

Uh what else. Well I actually have a few updates I’ve posted over here as blog posts / audio updates:

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Tips for week 1? Wow that’s a tough one. One thing I heard recently which I thought made a lot of sense is find someone that’s six months ahead of you and get advice from them. They’ll have much more relevant advice and feedback since they’re closer and the place you’re at now is fresher in their mind.

I’ll bookmark your post and try to read it some time soon and see if I have any other feedback!

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Happy almost Anniversary! :gift: :tada:

Woah that’s right man!!! Thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile: