Content that converts

But not on the main landing page…

I’m just assuming because I hear about these guys testing their landing pages they’ve already done the leg work to determine whether its effective or not? I don’t know whats best, I’m just trying to copy what others have done and this is one of the things I picked up on early on when taking a look at what others are doing.

There are these common elements on “beginner” saas landing pages that everybody thinks they should have, but then I go to established and successful saas sites and don’t see those elements. Another thread on this forum was about adding an “about page”, never see that anymore either. Listing how great your support performs (“fanatical support!”) is also one of those things I just don’t see but everybody has that when they first create their landing page.

New site is not converting as well as the old design, so on Monday we will be reverting back to the original design. Try and try again.