Bootstrapped 39: Take them to Hooters

I agree that this all depends on context.

I’ve always felt that the “Ian and Andrey Show” was basically two guys catching up and we happen to be let in on the conversation. Naturally when two friends talk about stuff they are interested/passionate about there is going to be swearing. (At least there is with me.) And even then it’s not much in my opinion.

But at Microconf when @ian gave his presentation I don’t think he dropped a single F-Bomb, right? I think I would have noticed, because the context was different. And that’s despite the fact that it’s the same audience (literally the same audience for a large proportion of attendees).

I think that so long asa you’re aware of your audience and context and you filter yourself based on that you’re fine.

Now I wonder how self-conscious @ian and @andrey will be about swearing on the next one. :smile:

Ah that was a good one to be at :slight_smile:

Yeah, it was like watching a car crash in slowmo.

haha, you should start a sep thread on this. I’d love to get first person details or maybe somebody already wrote it up?

Swears are words too and an effective means of communication when used appropriately. They’re like any other word…Don’t discriminate!

I leave you with George Carlin’s Seven Dirty Words

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Sorry, no excuse. Learn to be an effective communicator without the need for profanity. It’s a clear sign of weakness.

Sorry, not a Carlin fan in the least.

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It’s a cultural taboo which makes your stance ethnocentric. Since we are a world of many cultures, you are only correct some of the time.

What counts as profanity is different depending on where you are as well. Some of the words that in the UK are kind of used as a replacement for a “bad” swear word, are seen as far worse in the US for example. Even within the UK there are words used in common speech “up North” that are counted more as swear words down South.

Ultimately it comes down to knowing your audience and context - which is harder on a podcast than in a conference presentation.

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I literally have this issue on pause to say: @andrey write that moble e-book! I’d love to hear your tips on coding for multiple screen sizes as well as cross-platform.

Books are huge sink of time with zero benefit save for publicity. Does @andrey need more publicity? He’s already sort of a star…

That can be covered in a series of blog posts, and will bring traffic and recognition immediately; plus it can be updated and commented on to keep it up-to-date.

Blogs rule the once books’ world.

(The above is not my advice to @andrey, but my opinion why I wouldn’t write a book if I was in his shoes)

Thanks JT. Every now and then I do bounce around ideas for book topics, or blog posts, or conference talks, but for the time being, I don’t think there’s another book in me.