A few years back, I wrote Starting & Sustaining to help folks build and launch apps with less pain. About a year ago, I published the first edition on Medium for free for anyone to read, and, not too long after that, I begain writing the second edition in the open for anyone to read as well.
The first edition came in at about 36,000 words. After running Sifter for a few more years after that and ultimately selling it, it turns out I had about 92,000 words on SaaS in this second edition. (And that was me trying to keep it short and sweet.) It’s still in the process of being edited, and I’ll need to record the audio book and put together some of the other convenient reference materials, but it’s at a point where I feel comfortable sending people over to read it.
Just visit the Starting & Sustaining book site, and scroll down to the “Book Progress” section for a full table of contents. I’m hoping to have the for-purchase packages finished up with Kindle, epub, PDF, and audiobook formats ready to go in December, but until then, all the content is there on the site.
There’s also the complementary podcast where I interview other founders of various types of software businesses and talk about trials and tribulations. The frequency is slowing down a little bit while I’m focusing on finishing up the book, but I’m still aiming to get out at least one a month if not two.
Of course, if anybody has questions (or finds mistakes) please don’t hesitate to reach out.