#153: “What should I do with Saber Feedback?”

I seek @freyfogle’s advice on some Saber Feedback stuff. We talk about pricing, free plans, legacy framework woes, and database hosting.

We also chat about:

  • running Geomob as an online conference instead as a COVID alternative to an in-person conference
  • automating away common customer support enquiries

You can also listen to this episode here.

Good advice from @freyfogle !
Do only what is really necessary.
Regarding your idea to go to AWS/S3 for storage: If you are afraid your disk goes full with png’s, just buy Linode block storage and attach it to your server. It’s a bit like a larger disk for your server. That works well for png’s, but not for the database.
About ember: Ember is for people who like ember. If you are not into ember, migrate away. I would consider this as necessary for you.