#137: Derrick Grigg - Founder of PageProofer

Listen to this episode here.

@dgrigg’s product is a direct competitor to one of my products. So it was extremely generous of him to speak openly about the challenges and successes of running PageProofer.

We also discussed:

  • the challenge of having many competitors
  • having years of work annihilated by one Steve Jobs announcement
  • the challenge of separating personal life from work time when you are a solo founder.

@SteveMcLeod thanks again for having me on the podcast. Listening to it now it feels more like a professional counselling session. Maybe that’s a new business idea … counselling for bootstrappers.


Would that be a SaaS? Or a productised service? :slight_smile:


Rivals talking, sounds more fun than most Netflix plots I have been watching. Will listen soon (fun for lockdown-Sunday) :wink:

It was a actually a lot of fun, being able to chat with someone who understands exactly what you’re up against. Before chatting I was thinking it could be awkward but it was really refreshing to talk quite openly. I think sometimes in business we get a little to caught up in us vs them, winner takes all. In hindsight I’m thinking it’s more like athletics. On the field they are all business but off the field there’s a camaraderie between them. Yes we’re competing but you can compete against people and still be friendly and personable.


Nice site Derrick, can I give one suggestion?

‘Like sticky notes for a website’ is a great way to describe your product. I would split test that as the headline text.

Thank you and thanks for the suggestion.