What were your wins in June?

Inspired by the “Celebrations” discussion maybe we should start to share our wins (and not fails?) here with each other? Anybody interested?

For me June was the first month were my business earned me a higher salary than my last full time gig in 2013. I would like to attribute this to me overcoming the ‘I don’t like marketing’ hurdle and doing active marketing for the last 2 months. But of course it could just be luck… We’ll nice thing about desktop applications is that I can start with 0,- in revenue again every month. Yea!

How about you guys?


I had my first 3 paying customers for my Shopify app. The app is $15/month and with Shopify keeping 20% I will receive my first $36 payment in 5 days. This is after 4 months of evening/weekend development (started Jan 17th) and 2 months of free beta launch.


Good idea. Congrats on your earnings too.

Here goes mine: This month, I launched my first app. It is a hosted static blog generator so that your gains speed and security and your gain convenience (it works with existing blog editors, at least it works with MarsEdit & ScribeFire). I was thrilled when Bryson from http://goappschool.com interviewed me chatting about the backstory of the product. That was a cool day for me in June. (The interview is getting transcribed. He will release on July 13th).

My app lives at http://olai.in. Hopefully I keep coming back every month to celebrate.

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  • Closed a new client w/a project worth 5 figures a month for the next 4 months.
  • Wrote & released a podcasting book, scooping up $750 in sales in the first week.
  • Won an Honorable Mention in the Gumroad Small Product Lab contest.
  • Turned down a consulting job that looked like a nightmare just waiting for bedtime (that’s a life win, if not an economic win).

That’s…yeah, that’s pretty much it.

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Congratulations, the first customers are the hardest to get! At first I read it as Spotify App and was interested, but on second thought Shopify makes a lot more sens I guess :smile:

Sounds like a really nice idea, keep it going :thumbsup:

I wish I would have been that wise last year :wink:

  • I launched a trial version of ghostnoteapp.com
  • Made 1/5th of what I need in a years salary to be able to live from this so getting there
  • Got several medias attenion
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  • We’re officially profitable at designpossum.com

  • Got 100% customer happiness score.

  • Got a few clients by word of mouth.

This sounds like a really good idea. Is the 9.99 license the only price point? You must have quite a lot of users in this case…

Sounds awesome… I’ll bookmark this for later use :wink:

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Seems silly to start a new topic for July just 4 days into the month, so:

After 2 years of on and off work, I have submitted my first app to the App Store. Now the hard work begins. Will post more as time allows (really bad timing for me personally for launching a product, but that’s life).

We launched a huge new release of our scheduling software, Appointlet (https://www.appointlet.com/).

New designs for our landers and application, as well as a ton of new features. This had been in the works for much longer than I would like to admit (ahh, scope creep), so it feels ridiculously good to have it out the door.

How did you measure it?

I ask if they’re happy with our service.