What to change in my Pre-launch landing page?


I’ve been working for the past month or so on a new subscription box for software developers.

Before investing too much money into it, I developed a pre-launch page and I’m planning to spend a couple hundred dollars on Reddit/Facebook ads and promote it manually to validate the idea.

Here’s the landing page: https://www.devcrate.io

It’s looks simple, but I’ve put a lot of effort into the whole concept so far.

This is the first venture I actually pre-launch, so I could really use some insight and opinions on what to change and what to keep.

I’d want to know more specifically what I’d be getting in a box. Does the $25 get me a shirt and a sticker? Three shirts and five stickers? An “example contents list” or something like that would help. The background image does a good job of providing samples. Looks good. Also, I think "there is a limited amount"would sound better as “there are a limited number”.

Thanks! English is not my native language so stuff like that sometimes goes through, already changed it on the production site.

Regarding the example contents, I didn’t do it because I didn’t want people to assume that the contents of the box are fixed. The purpose of this box is to have a kind of “monthly Christmas”. You don’t know what’s inside until you open it.

I can, however, guarantee that the value of the box is a multiple of what you’re actually paying for it (a cool tshirt alone costs >$20 on most retailers). I didn’t specify since most people told me to slim down my copy.

A couple people registered through Bootstrapped. If you guys have any suggestions regarding what should I ship on the box, feel free to reply. I’ll do my best to accomplish it.

Can you pick a t-shirt size?

Sure! We have t-shirt sizes ranging from S to XXL.

The purpose of this box is to have a kind of “monthly Christmas”. You don’t know what’s inside until you open it… I can, however, guarantee that the value of the box is a multiple of what you’re actually paying for it (a cool tshirt alone costs >$20 on most retailers).

It’s probably enough just to say some version of this on the page (probably low and small). It would have answered the question I had. I like the idea – good luck with it.

Also, check out https://quarterly.co/ for copy ideas.

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Without any hint as to what comes in the box, I think people will be uninterested and not sign up. There are plenty of similar subscription services and many (most?) have some kind of “here’s a typical box” thing showing what to expect.

I’ve added a FAQ to answer the questions you guys had, can you confirm that you’d be more inclined to sign up now as opposed to without the FAQ?

The FAQ does answer the questions I had, but it’s hard to find. I was thinking the “what’s in the box” info would be on the page somewhere.