My new product : Hyper Plan

Works great!

I do not want to impose my UI/UX views too much, but I would prefer each View to be shown as a button on the toolbar – i.e. accessible in one click.

Works good (tried PDF). I’m in Canada though, and the default page size is Letter here.

Also, most of other PDF export applications are trying to open the PDF right after the export – it makes sense, because I want to see if the export is looking good. Saves me clicking around the disk looking for the file.

Thanks! Couldn’t figure out how to set colors for the lanes though :slight_smile: Me is stupid. :frowning:

The headers are still enormous. Too much padding… can it be controlled too? I’d like to turn the titles on the left header vertically and removed all those paddings. I need that space for my notes.

Recent Open Files

I’m adding my personal notes to a NEW project now. Hence I have to switch between files often. Can you please add Recently Opened Files to the menu?

I think the left menu is overloaded with less-often-used settings. Some of them needs to get moved into File->Settings menu.


  1. Appearance belongs to Settings. I set it once and then forget about it.
  2. Stored views belongs to Toolbar.
  3. Filter cards belongs to Toolbar; IMHO
  4. Layout/Color cards and Show Card properties I’d placed into a popup menu opened by pressing a gear icon located at the upper-left corner of the table itself (you have a free space there, between two headers). It is not needed that often, now that Views are stored. I would open it only when I need to create a new View.
  5. Then we have only Edit Card Properties left. And that one is best done as a pop-up on clicking a card.

TA-DA! No more left menu! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh! And one more: auto-save.

Do I really need to click Save every time I made a change? Since you’re having undo, let’s have it saving automatically – I’ll just Undo if I made a mistake.

Maybe. I don’t want to clutter the toolbar too much. The toolbar tends to be quite spare on Macs.

It would be easy enough to remember what they choose last time. v2. ;0)

PerfectTablePlan has that option. v2. ;0)

left pane>‘layout/color cards’>set row/column colour’ drop down.

You can control the size in ‘Left pane>Appearance>header size’.

I thought about that. It might be rather hard to read though.

Its on the todo list.

Maybe. But I am not planning to make any more big changes to the UI between now and v1.

Don’t forget that you can easily hide the left pane using the splitter.

Also on the to-do list.

If your target is event organizers, then I’d talk to event organizers about how they are tracking the status of different tasks for organizing the event. Then you can focus your marketing page on how event organizers can benefit from using your software, as opposed to the features it has.

Right now, your video includes demoing features that have no benefit for the user over sticky notes, such as the first one presented, that you can magnify / zoom in: if I was using traditional sticky notes, I wouldn’t need to do this! The benefits are also framed in terms of features. So instead of saying that you can filter notes, instead showing how you can easily find a note might help people better understand why it is better than traditional sticky notes.

That’s a great point. There are some very real and unique upsides to non-hosted events software.

Now I’m really curious to know how SaaS is doing in general in the events industry and whether people tend to prefer non-hosted software.

Then again I don’t know - don’t people rely on hosted software all the time for events or time-sensitive things like meetings/presentations?

The website is mostly a place holder at present. But I agree, benefits should be stressed over features.

If you have several hundred notes, you’ll have to move back to see the big picture and move closer to read them.

Most event software companies seem to have already moved to SaaS solutions.