Hyper Plan v1 launched

Following upon this post from October:

I launched Hyper Plan v1 yesterday and made some sales. Hooray!

I put some more details about the launch here:

I would love to get some feedback, particularly on the website:
-first impressions
-do you understand what Hyper Plan does?
-does it look OK in your browser?

first impressions

You would know it wasn’t designed by designer but it doesn’t look that bad.

do you understand what Hyper Plan does?

Yes, but a little unsure if it would be useful in my workflow. I’m currently using Omni Outliner as a lightweight project management tool - I needed hierarchical lists.

does it look OK in your browser?

It looks fine on Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera on OSX. It could be made responsive so it looks better on smartphones.

Just some thoughts that came to me about the website - the white strip with “Simple Visual Planning Software” looks a little plain, maybe using a fancier font might help. The icons and text below the video look good. I’m wondering would it be better to have the “Start a free trial now” button higher up the page. I found the video a little too long and going into too much detail, I wonder would it be better to show a walk through of a concrete use-case. You describe it as “As simple as sticking notes to a wall, but much more flexible” - I wonder could that idea be shown visually - a collage of post-it notes on a wall and the colour squares of your software. For the colour of links, would it be an idea to use the blue in your logo rather than the default blue?