How much do you sleep?

I was on a system of getting about 4 hours sleep, drinking lots of mt dew, lasting through the week, then crashing on the weekends sleeping for long nights, naps through the weekend days etc. It was a bad and unhealthy sleep cycle, dependent on too much caffeine.

I switched and tried polyphasic sleeping, where i would sleep 4 hours at night (12 - 4am) then i would take four 20min naps during the day (8am, 12-noon, 4pm, 8pm(sometimes)) and it was amazing how refreshed i was all the time. The key is training yourself to fall asleep fast, and go deep for the nap period.

That was working out well, then I adopted a baby - and that threw everything :slight_smile: haha

Now I sleep 10 - 6am and it’s fine. I’ll go back to polyphasic soon, once i get back into comfortably exercising, and the baby start’s sleeping more at night.

Just trying to get every minute out of the day.

Thanks, @tnorthcutt! I did buy Fitbit Flex because of your post and it works great! : )