Hi, I'm Nico, I work on a Wordpress to static site service

Hi @everybody

Thank you for your comments, ideas and suggestions. I am sorry, that I was a little unresponsive.
It is very encouraging to see you all so interested in my little project :smile:

We haven’t figured out all the details yet, but we are actively developing the project. If you are interested in any updates, please subscribe to the list. http://decoupled.de

Thank you all again!

Hey @Nico

Any news regarding this? I just spent half a day looking for something that would help me deploy a WordPress website to a static site that I can host on S3 at the press of a button.

Ideally I would do all the editing in WordPress and click a button like “Deploy” to transfer the site to S3.

I would be really interested in this.

@Bogdan I am very sorry for not answering sooner.

The project hit some obstacles, some technical, some just everyday life.

My question at the moment would be, what exactly is missing from the current plugins like https://wordpress.org/plugins/staticpress/ ?

Is it only the deploy with a button part?