Hi there, I’m Andrey (or shazow
on the internets).
I co-founded a now-defunct YC startup in 2010 and got soured on the fundraising route, then bootstrapped a social analytics service that got acqui(hi)red by Google where I worked on Google Analytics and Google+ for a while. I’m a software engineer by training, but I enjoy learning to do everything from design to sales and marketing. I also do a bunch of open source stuff and authored/maintain one of the most distributed Python libraries.
My latest project is Briefmetrics — Really simple email summaries of your most important Google Analytics stats. Just a few clicks and you’re done!
Google Analytics is such a powerful platform and the price is really hard to beat, but it’s also super hard to use. I want to get people as much value with as little amount of work as possible. Either for people who already use GA but spend far too much time putting up with it, or those who never remember to check up on it, or simply can’t figure it out. Analytics is too valuable to hide from.
@gavin stumbled on Briefmetrics from another thread and suggested I share it with this community. Honestly I’m excited to actually get to use Discourse in a non-contrived context! Very cool.
If anyone wants to check out some of my other side projects or open source creations, there are more links on shazow.net.
Thanks for having me,