Can a blog post be a long sales page?

Heyo bootstrappers!

I’ve written what could be described as a long sales page and was wondering if it can be used as a blog post.

Is there a difference in effectiveness in placing it on it’s own little corner of my website, say http://-mywebsite-/long-sales-page, versus a blog page?

Can I do both? (Will the Google hammer punish me for this?)

What do you do with your long sales page?

Duplicate content issues could potentially be avoided by using rel=“canonical”.

However, I think many would argue that a good blog post would not make a good sales page, and vice versa. Different goals, different structures, etc.

I see, thanks for the input!


Congrats on the long sales page thing! We’ve got one, too.

I’d say that you can’t just place it on the blog, because the semantics of a blog are different. People don’t come to blogs to read about your product or be sold something. They read blogs to learn something or solve a current problem.

You have to make an effort on the blog before trying to make the sale. If you help someone with a problem relevant to the problem your product is solving, it’s very likely that they will be interested in your product or service. So, write a helpful blog post, help someone solve a problem and link to your sales page. If you look around, this is what everyone is doing.

Take Ian’s BeSnappy blog:
This article is helping you structure a better FAQ page. It’s helpful. The content is valuable. Then Snappy is plugged in as an example, because it fits the article topic perfectly. But even if you’re not using it, you’ll still find the article helpful. After you read the post, you might be interested in checking out their software. And even switching to it.

What do you do with your long sales page?

My short answer: I write helpful blog posts and place a CTA at the end with a link to the long sales page. I believe that blogs are to help and inspire interest about what you do. They are not for direct advertisement.