Autopsy - Lessons from Failed Startups [possible source of business ideas?]

Site looks like a spreadsheet, with the key columns being [Startup] Idea and Reason for Failure, one line summaries which are easy to scan. If you want more information, a link to the full story is available in another column.

Beyond the cautionary tales, the site could be a good way to look for ideas which might work for a bootstrapper but not a VC-funded startup.

I skimmed through the list of these. It seems most were pie-in-the-sky Hail-Mary types of things.

I so much prefer taking a small segment of a proven concept, and tweak it somewhat. eg do it with a different angle, or with better support, or a nicer UI, or with more speed.

Yes, it is a good site to know what may not work or what needs to be improved considerably to make it work.
Personally, I would like to start with a fresh idea and from the scratch.

Yes, it is a good site to know what may not work or what needs to be improved considerably to make it work.
Personally, I would like to start with a fresh idea and from the scratch.