A messaging app made for Africa

Hello My name is Tweheyo brian, Iam the CEO of Woloks, and i wanted to introduce myself and my startup woloks. Woloks is a messenger that is helping Ugandans send free sms messages. Its an app that has proven to be very effective where whatsapp cant help. Forexample, If you want to send a message to afriend but they are offline, woloks always comes in. What i wanted to know is do people on this site join discussions about startups in Africa?

I’ve been reading about developments in mobile use and mobile startups in Africa with interest. Africa seems like a continent full of opportunity for the right people; I hope you have great success with your company!

Awesome! Can you link to it?

I heard I think on a podcast recently about some startup tech hubs that have been forming in various countries throughout Africa. Sounds pretty exciting.

Hi Tweheyo Brian!

Richard here from South Africa. How’s the app going? You getting some traction?

I’m involved with a Nigerian startup called Andela. It’s been really interesting so far and I actually just went over there in January/February. I for one would be interested to hear your progress. The unreliability of power/internet in Nigeria can be somewhat frustrating and I imagine there are good opportunities for people who can do something about it.